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all the information you need about
the art of alchemy and @AlchemyAnne
(aka 'the medium in the pink cowboy hat')

Write your awesome label here.

what's it all about?

The art of alchemy and the types of messages Anne is here to have impact on include the real laws of our universe, how to expand and grow as an eternal spiritual being and how to self-heal and take care of our body, mind and spirit on all levels of consciousness. Modern Prayer is a foundation practice in The Art of Alchemy, reinventing prayer, even for the non-believers (like Anne was).

art of alchemy website

My online learning and books for self paced learning and spiritual expansion - for the open minded who want a safe two way connection to spirit. More about Anne's personal story here too.

free resources

Access the soul clearing script channeled from Christ Consciousness to clear your unwanted junk from your multidimensional self to clear the way for your best self to step forward. Our bodies and consciousness are a self-healing and self-cleaning system when we know how to do it. 

download now

all books and courses

Anne's books and courses are all designed to help you self heal, expand your consciousness and to have two way conversation with spirit with new ways of prayer. The Art of Alchemy includes practices of Modern Prayer to help you become who you were designed to be.

all books and courses - online shop and learning

social media

Look out for @AlchemyAnne across social channels and keep the conversation going about the truth of our reality. For the curious and open minded.


Deeper dive into the truth of our universe, how to ascend and self-heal (even anti-age with spirit)


Deeper dive into the truth of our universe, how to ascend and self-heal (even anti-age with spirit)


A mix of big life learnings and some everyday stuff too


More of Anne's everyday insights and some fun too


More of Anne's everyday insights and some fun too

latest book

eBook available now
60 pages of big insights on how the universe really works and the foundations of Modern Prayer. Buy direct to access free Soul Clearing and resources

foundation program

BETA release open now
A deep dive into healing and soul progression on all levels of our multidimensional selves. The foundations of Modern Prayer to create more alchemy in your life. 

media kit

Download Kit
About Anne Miles aka @AlchemyAnne and access to press photos and bio

readings & mentoring

@AlchemyAnne does selective readings from time to time and is available for psychic investigations. Anne is able to mentor across all aspects of life, spirit and business. Chat and see if Anne is a fit for you. By application only.

general enquiries and media

For genuine enquiries... you know, the kind that isn't telling me I'm going to hell or going to be set on fire... just saying...

my why

your guide and mentor @AlchemyAnne

Anne Miles is an evidence based channel medium who has strong communication with Christ Consciousness and the angelic realms, working in service to humanity for the highest good. Anne channels across dimensions of time and space including remote viewing the past, present or future in the quantum field - and always aligned with love. Yep, she knows this is super weird! 

This is not your average psychic who generally focuses on reading your energy field at a low level of consciousness or summons the dead in unhealthy ways. Instead, Anne is there to help you understand your highest purpose, the path to your spiritual ascension as an eternal soul, and how to restore your human system to its crystalline structure as intended at creation. 

Anne's the one to help you understand what needs to be done to achieve your big goals or to restore your health and wellbeing, sometimes against the odds. Anne's work has been described as forensic and has revealed many myths of the laws of the universe and consciousness itself.

Anne's passion is for the truth to be revealed for the good of all, to release stereotypes, harmful indoctrination and passive compliance to bring more unconditional love into the world. Anne is passionate about being our best self and to age well, without unnatural procedures. She is willing to ask the big questions of the cosmos, and is not for the feint of heart. If you're stuck in your own beliefs and not willing to do the work to grow, then Anne is not for you... Just saying...


Anne Miles, Multidimensional Oracle Medium
Life, Business & Spiritual Mentor
Author & Creator

Anne Miles, aka @AlchemyAnne, 'the medium in the pink cowboy hat', is a multidimensional oracle medium here to shake up our reality with the truth of our reality beyond ingrained religion, science and new age teachings.


the art of alchemy

The foundation of creating alchemy in your life is about taking responsibility for your health on all levels of your being and higher consciousness and by safely creating a two way connection to spirit for your highest good, the good of others and the good of all. Using a new form of prayer, Modern Prayer you no longer create harm over yourself and others that well-meaning Christians and religions are embedding into the worship and culture, unwittingly. As a channel for Christ Consciousness and the angelic realms Anne has been shown what's the nature of our reality, how to ascend as a spiritual being beyond the day to day material and superficial desires the manifesting community is obsessed with, and how to create health and wellbeing on all levels, including ageing well without cosmetics or procedures. 

The Art of Alchemy is all about self-empowering others with self-paced books and learning systems.

the laws of the universe

The Art of Alchemy is all about the truth of our reality beyond any faith system or societal frameworks. No human guru is Anne's teacher. As a channel for highest consciousness all insights are observations of our reality. Plenty of myths busted! How alchemy is really about quantum physics, biology and mathematics and no faith or worship is required.

soul expansion and growth

We are first and foremost spiritual beings on multiple levels of existence with our body, mind, greater self connected with the unified field of consciousness Anne calls 'The Absolute' (because it is a source at the top of absolutely everything). We're here to grow and expand as spiritual beings beyond the everyday limits and to co-create with the spiritual realms.


Our body, mind and spirit together is a technology, not a belief system. We don't need to believe in these processes to achieve wellness, and release past difficulties. We only need to ASK and ALLOW with an open mind. Faith and traditional prayer may be what is stopping you from achieving what is yours to have. Embrace your multidimensional self.



Anne's background before the purple flames showed up...

Anne Miles is a qualified business, life and executive coach and veteran marketing and advertising professional awarded for her conscious business practices. Anne has over 24 business and self development qualifications or modalities that support her as a spiritual and life mentor. No, she's no fluffy-woo-woo religious kind of girl by any stretch...

| Spiritual & Business Coach
| Oracle Medium – Certificate in Psychic Development
| Akashic Records Reader – CPD Certified
| ICF Accredited Coach
| Business Coach Cert IV
| Life Coach Cert IV
| Advanced Life Coach Cert IV
| Executive Coach Cert IV
| NLP Practitioner (twice)
| EFT Practitioner
| NLP Power Coach
| Time Line Therapist
| Awarded Marketing Consultant

Recent awards and achievements:

| Winner Westpac 200 Businesses of Tomorrow 2018
| Finalist in B&T Women In Media: Entrepreneur of the Year 2019 
| Finalist for AMI Certified Marketing Practitioner of the Year 2019 - Vic and National Finalist
| Finalist for AMI Certified Marketing Practitioner of the Year 2020 - Vic and National Finalist
| Finalist B&T Women In Media: Champion of Change 2021 
| Finalist B&T Women In Media: Social Change Maker 2021 
| Finalist B&T Best of the Best: Social Change Maker 2021 
| Finalist B&T Best of the Best: Entrepreneur of the Year 2021 
| Finalist B&T Award for Diversity - Champion 2021
| Finalist for AMI Certified Marketing Practitioner of the Year 2021 - Vic Finalist
| Judge for various marketing categories: AMI Awards, PauseFest, Stevie Awards


Why are you doing this? 

My personal mission is to share this message to reinvent prayer, with as many people as possible to help them create more love in their life and to take more responsibility for how they express love in their world, even in the name of their idea of god. I’d love to break down those unloving behaviours in the world that so many people think are normal. These well-meaning behaviours are not aligned with who we are as an eternal being, as one with the all-loving Absolute; even in church and Christian families. These behaviours and lack of love disconnect us from a genuine experience of spirit, let alone allow two way communication. 

The side product of all this is to create alchemy in our lives, in co-operation with the unseen realms for the highest good of all.

Every person you help share my message with will help this cause, no matter if they are Christian, atheist, scientists, business people, believers and non-believer’s alike. Changing the world is done one step at a time with people speaking up, even when it hurts. Please pass on my humble work.

Are you trying to damage religion?

To be bold - I do want religious organisations to change. I don’t want them to break completely as there is a lot of good many of them do in the world and having a sense of community and culture is important. There is evidence that having faith in something bigger than us helps us be happier and live longer too. 

However, there are some practices in religions and specific organisations that are not serving our highest good and I unashamedly want those changed and reformed. Many religions act like they own spirituality and condemn other cultures or religions who have been around since the dawn of time, in an elitist and prejudiced manner. Wars are created in the name of religion with endless judgement, fear-mongering and widespread abuse.

I want more people to have a safe experience of spirit in two way communication, rather than just talking about beliefs and worshipping the wrong things. I dream of more love in our churches, more more love in humanity in general. We’ve forgotten what unconditional love looks like, even in ‘good Christian communities’. 

Are you religious?

I was brought up in a strict Church of England Christian family however I rejected the church and anything they believed in after seeing a lot of hypocrisy. I then was all about my own ability as a human and was highly driven and commercial in the capitalist world of advertising. I'd have been considered more of an atheist or agnostic back then. Now I realise that it isn't about belief systems but about our reality which is for me an observation of the natural state of our cosmos and doesn't require belief of any kind - although does require an open mind. 

What religion is modern prayer?

None. I rejected mainstream religion many years ago and haven’t aligned with any one faith system. I don’t align with some science or new age practices, either. Even some very famous new-agers have some of it right, but not all of it. There is no existing ‘box’ that any of this fits neatly in right now. 

I’m sharing direct experiences and observations through the gifts that have activated in me to see beyond the here and now. It isn’t a belief system, but observations of our reality that aligns with a robust sample of others who independently see the same. Much of our leading quantum physics aligns, in part.

Do you believe in the bible?

This is a tricky one, and I’m not here to argue against these scriptures. There are people who study them deeply and have some mixed ideas of what they really are. I tend not to speak on these texts as my mission is about prayer and bringing more love to the world, not the accuracy of these documents.

I do think there is a huge amount of correlation to what I’ve seen as our reality and the ability to create alchemy that does align with these texts, and those that are considered the ancient and more accurate sources of the more contemporary, edited versions.

The full explanation is covered in my latest eBook "The Non-Believer's Guide to Modern Prayer - Learnings From My Spiritual Awakening" available here.

Is alchemy real?

Yes. We are powerful beings and there are more powerful beings in the unseen, around us all the time. This is huge topic. It is on Earth that our density is so challenging, we have limited ability to create miracles; but miracles do happen, particularly when we gather in groups and activate our hearts in Modern Prayer en masse. We will see more when the consciousness of our society raises as a collective.

I've used these processes in the course to heal myself of cancer, to solve the mystery illness that mainstream medicine couldn't resolve and as a result classified me as having a disability. I am highly abundant and see synchronicities beyond explanation nearly every day. I safely communicate with spirit for daily guidance and to be sure I'm staying on track in an experiential and evidence based way. 

How do you know it isn't just your imagination?

I started to notice the differences (very subtle) of how information comes through me, or when my conscious mind or visualisation processes are involved versus dreams, lucid dreams or general conscious thought. With practice you can discern, and learn how to be safe. 

Qualifying in Neuro-linguistic programming and getting nerdy with neuroscience helped me learn how our brain compartmentalises and operates differently for different purposes. A communication from spirit is generally spontaneous and you don’t even have time to form a thought. 

How do I know this is not mental illness? 

It certainly can feel like mental illness! Many well meaning doctors don’t even consider anything beyond the mental health criteria. Thank goodness I found a psychiatrist who studied near death experiences and had robust research on life beyond human existence! I’m eternally grateful. There are incredibly robust research papers available now that explain the differences between a spiritual awakening and mental illness. This course gives you additional resources to explore for yourself.

What if I don't believe in god but believe in my highest self?

Perfect! Your greater self is one part of our multidimensional being on a fluid spectrum, as one. If you align with your greater self you will automatically align with the unified field of the Absolute, whether you believe in it or not. You don’t need to believe in gravity for it to be real, similarly. 

Can everyone experience spirit, including atheists? 

Yes. No amount of faith is required for a genuine experience of spirit, but only the absence of doubt is required. An open and quiet mind is all it takes to allow a connection to the Stream and Absolute - just keep aligned with the love light!

Which guru taught you all this? 

I don’t follow any engrained religions or people who define themselves as gurus. I receive insights from Christ Consciousness in deep meditation and then research via robust sources to see if there is validation of what I’ve been shown. Sometimes I hear a point of view in society and then do my Modern Prayer process to be shown the truth of the situation for myself. Sometimes I’m shown text in other languages or mathematics I don’t yet have any knowledge of. Recently I started to follow a few super cool people who see the reality as I do, and appreciate that we see the same things - without prompting. This is so validating! 

Are you an atheist?

People assume if you are not religious that you have to be atheist, weirdly. I’m neither atheist nor religious, I’m not a material science lover either. I know what exists through experience and observation, like watching a holographic broadcast, through communication in my body, and sometimes I see and hear things outside of myself. 

There are countless people like me, with corroborating observations - beyond any belief system. It is as real as gravity. 

Are you making this all up to make money from others? 

I understand the skepticism. I don’t take on anything without a lot of scrutiny, myself. I get it. This isn't a skill that I sought after for myself.
Believe me, becoming a medium is definitely not fun, and definitely not something those of us (who are genuine) would intentionally choose for ourselves. It is certainly a bumpy ride and rarely is for commercial gain, with many of us losing everything we previously valued, in service to a greater cause.  

This is truly a higher calling when you are in service to others, although we do need to live in society and function in a capitalist world. These learnings are of value to many and will be life-changing, which is priceless. I’m keen to be supported, so I don’t have to do my day job and can help more people expand. I’d love to make life easier for others in their awakening. I'd love you to at least read my eBook so you can explore the ideas for yourself. There's a lot of impact in my teachings well under the commercial value others ask for these things. I'm not that materialistic, but need to survive so I can do more good.  

If I allow in spirits, will I be possessed or go to hell?

You can only let in what you allow in, but it does take daily maintenance on all levels of your multidimensional being to remain pure and protected. Even your physical health can allow in negative entities that feed off low energies. We can possess a positive spirit who is here to help with our greater purpose too, so it is about constant discernment and only letting in the right ones.

I have friends who fear talking or thinking about spirituality outside their church and worry that negative entities will be attracted to them just by talking about them. The irony is that these entities are around us anyway! This is much like a child covering their eyes with the misguided expectation that if they close their eyes, you can’t see them or you don’t exist. There are entities and forces that have the ability to choose to harm us but others are more like a parasite.

I’d much rather learn how to control my spiritual safety than be ignorant and pretend they don’t exist. This course covers many aspects of protection including protection against our own thoughts and attachments.

Can’t spirituality and creating alchemy be explained by our neurological system, including our reticular activating system and pineal gland?

Many who are focused on the parts of our brain that are being activated see this as the only function and don’t always see how our spiritual being and our physical being are one, working together. I do agree with the neuroscientists who can demonstrate our brains lighting up in various parts when we are in a spiritual state, including our ability to notice the things we define as ‘coincidences’. The big difference that I’ve come to learn is that our physical body is a machine, of sorts, designed to work with our spiritual energetic system rather than generate the information. There are scientists who agree that our brains don’t house our consciousness, but becomes a transmission device for an external consciousness like a television receives a broadcast from the base station. Those neuroscientists that focus only on the brain functionality would be like thinking the TV is running the program of its own accord; rather than be a broadcast filtered from the base station.

There is a lot more nerdiness I could get into about our brain and heart, and debunk some of the new age opinion here. I’ll spare you for another day.

Why should I believe you? 

You don’t have to. Don’t take my word or anyone else’s word for anything, but instead begin a safe relationship with spirit and see for yourself. You are your own person and must discern for yourself what resonates for you. 

However, I do want to say that I didn’t believe any of this before all this awakened in me. I have been very robust at validating what I see, and used science, neuro-science, quantum physics, robust research papers and other credible channellers to validate what I’m shown. I’m also careful about who I listen to in the spirit world. 

Something to ask yourself: Are you projecting your own limits and fears here? Sometimes negative intentions come from that horrid mindset of ‘tall poppy syndrome’, or can be from ‘lack’ mentality. Generally people who make accusations about others are actually projecting their own limits and harmful thinking onto others. These accusations say more about them, than about others. 

My message is of love and unity and is to be cherished. Intention is what matters. People like me are in service to humanity, sometimes pushing us outside our own comfort zones and speak up, even when it isn’t fun or popular! Ugh, so difficult for those of us taught to sit down, and don’t make a fuss, all our lives! 

Can you heal me?

The word 'healing' is a complex word to begin with and can include mindset changes, releasing trauma linked through our neurological systems, and even spiritual problems like a broken auric field or removing entities or releasing psychic attack. Some of these lead to physical illness in our human bodies too. There are no promises to healing of any kind, but these practices in the course are a range of tools that I've used personally to repair myself on all levels of my being including healing cancer, mystery illnesses and also I've worked out how to do regular cell repair to age well. Some of us have written a pre-birth plan to come to Earth to experience certain things and if that's the case we are not guaranteed to be able to heal that with our higher self in the driver's seat. It may be that you can heal but only if you do certain actions or remove negative attachments or beliefs. Like anything, you are to use your own discretion and see what works for you. You are responsible for yourself and no guarantees are promised. This course is for education purposes only, and for you to discern with care. Consult your practitioner if you are unsure if there is conflict with any existing treatment or is right for your situation. The difference with The Art of Alchemy, however is that you learn how to do your own wellbeing diagnostic in direct communication with your spirit team, and see what is needed to heal - if healing is yours to have. You can then work on multidimensions of being to explore healing for yourself.

What if I don't like it?

If you have any concerns about the course for any reason, get in touch and chat to Anne. No reasonable request will be denied. 

Before you purchase, note this - If you are prepared to take full responsibility for your own wellbeing and do the work step by step then you should have no concerns. Be prepared for your belief systems to be shaken up and make this purchase knowing that this is a big part of The Art of Alchemy.

If you're super religious and think our entire existence is ruled by the specific words in the latest bible used by Christians, then this definitely is not for you. Fundamentalists, Absolutists, Puritans and zealots will hate this. Don't torment yourself (or me). Move along.

Other people who have a faith and align with Christian practices but are open to adding in new forms of prayer should be a good fit with Modern Prayer. It isn't designed to stop your worship but to help you be safe with it, to freshen up how we function in church and to expand your experience of spirit for two way communication to take control of your own spiritual nature. The two can work in harmony.
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