Soul clearing and repair - a mini course for multidimensional health and wellbeing

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by Anne Miles

Aka @AlchemyAnne

| Spiritual & Business Coach
| Oracle Medium – Certificate in Psychic Development
| Akashic Records Reader – CPD Certified
| ICF Accredited Coach
| Business Coach Cert IV
| Life Coach Cert IV
| Advanced Life Coach Cert IV
| Executive Coach Cert IV
| NLP Practitioner (twice)
| EFT Practitioner
| NLP Power Coach
| Time Line Therapist
| Awarded Marketing Consultant

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A free soul clearing, recoding & auric field repair process for all levels of your being

This is an Art of Alchemy Modern Prayer - a self guided non-denominational (definitely not religious and definitely not 'new age') script to instruct your spiritual and subconscious self to correct and recode your multidimensional being for improved wellbeing and health on all levels. The Art of Alchemy is about co-creating with the spiritual realm as part of the unified field of consciousness as a technology built into our reality - no faith is required!

This clearing script has been channeled from Christ Consciousness and is to remain unchanged, word for word. This script is to be spoken with your heart activated, with meaning and intention.

The angelic realms work on express consent (not wishes, begging or hope) and need us to command them in specific ways to do the work we need. Command with love and gratitude for their service as you read.

Read each day for 21 days consecutively. If you miss a day you need to begin again. This is to ensure recoding on all levels of consciousness.

A simple script to read with intention

2 mins a day for 21 consecutive days - self guided for spiritual, subconscious and physical wellbeing activated by our heart

Bonus trouble shooting tips

Understand why we need to do this, and new ways to connect to spirit for daily wellbeing & guidance

Protection tips and to advance your soul

This clearing script is a great way to begin your soul healing but there is often more to do. Some guidance on what could be next

Course Lessons

The Art of Alchemy - foundations course

If you enjoy the power of this free process you will love the power of many others in the full program The Art of Alchemy. This course is designed to improve your health and wellbeing on all levels of consciousness in the right order and to prepare you for two way communication with spirit for your highest good.

Other resources for soul health & wellbeing

There are many resources to assist you in becoming the best version of you as was intended at creation using Modern Prayer techniques to help you create alchemy in your own life. 

Check out the resources at the button below.

Created by

Anne Miles, aka @AlchemyAnne

Multidimensional oracle medium 
Anne Miles is a powerful multi-dimensional oracle medium offering spiritual, life and business mentoring. It all began when Anne saw purple flames all over her body and heard voices. Thinking she was mentally ill she sought help and took herself to hospital three times and engaged a psychiatrist; to be turned away identifying her as a medium experiencing paranormal phenomena. Since this time Anne has been diving deep into her abilities and forensically road-tested multiple healing modalities. She has even qualified in over 20 different certifications and modalities to understand how we work as humans and spiritual beings. Anne has since healed herself of cancer and found love in her life through a highly detailed and methodical diagnosis of her being on all levels of frequency and consciousness. Anne is the one that even other psychics and healers come to for their own guidance and progress. Anne is now passionate about teaching others to embrace the power of alchemy that is in all of us. Anne is available for readings and a detailed diagnostic to help others on their mental, spiritual and physical path. Anne is a published author, speaker and disruptor. 
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