The Non-Believer's Guide to Modern Prayer 60 page eBook

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Book contents
 1. My Story
 2. Purple Flames And The Hospital Visits
 3. What Does Our Universe Really Look Like?
 4. Redefining prayer
 5. 20 Religious Practices Revamped To Support Our Eternal Spiritual Being 
 6. 8 Reasons For Modern Prayer 
 7. 10 New Ways To Think About Science, Psychology & Atheism 
 8. 5 Foundations Of Modern Prayer 
 9. 18 New Ways Of Thinking For New Agers & Activists 
 10. 2 Way Communication With Spirit 
 11. 10 Things Society Gets Wrong
 12. The Angel Code
 13. The Art Of Allowing
 15. 10 Spiritual Principles I Wish I Knew Before My Spiritual Awakening 
 16. How To Prepare Yourself For Modern Prayer 
 17. The Formula For Modern Prayer 
 18. The Frequency Asked Questions Of The Universe & Our Reality


A Free Soul Clearing script - A 21 Day process. Read verbatim each day (approx 2 mins) to command your soul energy system to be repaired to remove unused coding and to repair your auric field


1. A free needs checklist to help you identify the gaps in your best life and to help you know where to focus
2. Modern Prayer Journal prompts
3. The Ho'oponopono Prayer
4. A gratitude journal - how can you see the positive in the mess?




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eBook Title:
The Non-Believer's Guide to Modern Prayer - Learnings From My Spiritual Awakening

In "The Non-Believer's Guide to Modern Prayer," Anne Miles takes readers on an unexpected journey through her accidental spiritual awakening. From experiencing mysterious purple flames over her body, to hearing inexplicable voices, Miles initially feared for her sanity. However, it was all far more extraordinary - she had opened a gateway to the unseen realms around us.

This captivating 60-page prequel offers key insights gleaned from Miles' profound conversations with the Absolute and Christ Consciousness to figure out the big questions in life about the universe, the art of alchemy and multidimensional consciousness as a creation tool. 

Drawing from the highest source of infinite intelligence and eternal love light, Miles challenges conventional wisdom about prayer and spirituality. This snackable, but power-packed, read is a short insight into her awakening story with plenty of practical frameworks to rethink your entire existence. It turns out what science, religions, atheists and new agers alike have been telling you, isn’t quite right.

With a mission to revolutionise engrained practices, Miles unveils how traditional approaches to prayer may be unknowingly harmful, even to the most devout Christians. She fearlessly tackles societal conventions that contribute to widespread depression and global conflict, offering a fresh perspective on experiential spiritual connection and unconditional love. 

Whether you're a skeptic, a seeker, or somewhere in between, this thought-provoking guide promises to shake up your understanding of prayer and its place in modern life. Prepare to have your beliefs challenged and your spiritual horizons expanded in this compelling prelude to Miles' full biographical work... without going to hell.

It turns out reality is wilder and more epic than fiction.

what's inside?

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60 pages packed with big insights and breaking plenty of myths!

  • Anne's wild awakening story

  • Spiritual map of our cosmos

  • Redefining prayer

  • 10 Things Society Gets Wrong

  • The Angel Code

  • The Art Of Allowing

  • 10 Spiritual Principles I Wish I Knew Before My Spiritual Awakening

  • 20 Religious Practices Revamped To Support Our Eternal Spiritual Being 
  • 8 Reasons For Modern Prayer
  • 10 New Ways To Think About Science, Psychology & Atheism
  • The Formula For Modern Prayer 
  • 5 Foundations Of Modern Prayer 
  • 18 New Ways Of Thinking For New Agers & Activists 
  • 2 Way Communication With Spirit 
  • How To Prepare Yourself For Modern Prayer 

where else to find Anne's books

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The Non-Believer's Guide to Modern Prayer eBook

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Created by

Anne Miles, aka @AlchemyAnne

Multidimensional oracle medium 
Anne Miles is a powerful multi-dimensional oracle medium offering spiritual, life and business mentoring. It all began when Anne saw purple flames all over her body and heard voices. Thinking she was mentally ill she sought help and took herself to hospital three times and engaged a psychiatrist; to be turned away identifying her as a medium experiencing paranormal phenomena. Since this time Anne has been diving deep into her abilities and forensically road-tested multiple healing modalities. She has even qualified in over 20 different certifications and modalities to understand how we work as humans and spiritual beings. Anne has since healed herself of cancer and found love in her life through a highly detailed and methodical diagnosis of her being on all levels of frequency and consciousness. Anne is the one that even other psychics and healers come to for their own guidance and progress. Anne is now passionate about teaching others to embrace the power of alchemy that is in all of us. Anne is available for readings and a detailed diagnostic to help others on their mental, spiritual and physical path. Anne is a published author, speaker and disruptor. 

Anne is often referred to as the 'Medium in the pink cowboy hat' and @AlchemyAnne in socials. Definitely follow for regular insights!
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