Deep Dive Channel

$198 USD - one single payment

  • 45 minutes deep channel in meditation by Anne, with your spirit team, before your debrief session
  • 45 minutes debrief with Q&A over Zoom with you

A reading with Anne is not like your typical psychic who tends to connect with the deceased at low levels of consciousness or taps into your own conscious mind and plays that back to you. Anne connects with the higher realms of consciousness and the angelics to receive incoming messages, intended for your highest good or the good of others around you. 

Anne is a little like a general practitioner working similarly to those in mainstream medicine, where the overall diagnosis is figured out and then a treatment plan is created. Only in Anne's case it is for your multidimensional wellbeing, on all levels of your being for your physical body, some forms of mental wellbeing, and spiritual health or even for your purpose or soul progression too. It is most likely to help you break through a current barrier. 

A good way to see the difference between a psychic and the kind of multidimensional oracle medium Anne is, is by comparing to how others work. Most other psychics are asked questions like 'Will I be well?' or 'When will I be well?' (as a generalised example), but Anne is the one who would rather you ask 'What specifically needs to be done for me to be well on all levels of consciousness?'

Anne's spiritual roadmap to overcome whatever challenge you are facing will be multifaceted and often includes physical, mental, subconscious, past life, spiritual limitations or attack, system coding in your DNA, what you are eating or not eating, how you think... or many other possibilities communicated through Anne for you!

You can expect a roadmap to help you self-heal or to move yourself forward. Some call this work 'forensic' because of Anne's accuracy, and the amount of specific detail provided to you. 

You can be certain of one thing - there will be self-guided work to do after this reading, and it will be transformational! 
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guidance to help you in life and business:
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Some of the big questions that Anne typically assists with: 

  • What's the next big step to break free of my limits?
  • What is in the way of wellness?
  • What's your purpose and how do you stay on track?
  • Why am I here?
  • What needs to be done to resolve conflicts?
  • What's my next step in business?
  • Where is my prosperity?
  • How can I create more love in my life? Is it mine to have?
  • What is the learning in a current situation or relationship?
  • I've done so much 'healing' work and nothing is working - Why?
  • How can I move beyond where I am?
  • What is stopping business growth? 
  • What needs to be done to be ready for a child to come through?
  • How do I resolve a work situation? 
  • How did you heal cancer for yourself - is that available to me?
  • What is the next step for my spiritual growth?
  • Even, what's the key to solving an investigation or problem?

If that all sounds like the type of questions that are meaningful to you, then 'enrol' now and begin the process of transformation with the insights you need to help you break through. 

step by step, how Anne works with you

Enrol below to activate a one-off reading with @AlchemyAnne

  1. Enrol at the button below - $USD
  2. Complete the 1-3min intake form and multidimensional consent - it will be available on sign up
  3. Ask one biggest question you have for spirit 
  4. Schedule a suitable time with Anne - she will get in touch by text or email (usually needs a day or two notice)
  5. Anne will channel for 45mins - in private in advance of your booking (she needs about 24 hours notice minimum usually)
  6. Debrief over zoom over 45 mins - at the agreed time with all the insights Anne received including any clarification needed. Can be recorded
  7. Ask any further yes/no questions in any remaining time
  8. Anne will follow up with any homework or processes you need to undertake - as guided
  9. You take the inspired steps to move forward in your life!

Anne is in Melbourne, Australia most of the time in AEDT or AEST timezone. Afternoons preferred.
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Terms and conditions apply - mostly that this is not medical advice, Anne is not a doctor or psychologist and channels general spiritual guidance for you to use your own discretion. You are responsible for yourself. The future is not set in stone and is usually shown as the most likely current potentiality. You can discuss with Anne what needs to be done to change a future that is undesirable, if it is in your best interest, to be decided at your discretion. No changes on any level of your being will be done by Anne without express consent and with full understanding of the soul consequences.

Your express consent on all levels of consciousness is mandatory before Anne will commence work. If Anne cannot read for you for any reason, a full refund will be made.

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About readings with Anne

These readings are not your average fortune telling sessions. If you want to move forward as the best possible human, to create wellness on every level and to reach spiritual expansion as an eternal soul then this is your kind of reading. 
Write your awesome label here.

Still got questions?
A lot of little things are different about how Anne works:

  • No 'healing' or changes to your soul coding, or changes to your future potentiality will be made without understanding the consequences of it for you personally, on all levels of consciousness. No practitioner has the ethical right to decide your future for you, and without involving you in the eternal soul cost over short term desires
  • Many psychics aim to manipulate the current reality for material or superficial outcomes that may be against your whole purpose here on Earth. This short term focus may force your soul to fail at progressing beyond this level, and will end up a regret when you finish this lifetime. Anne is very cautious about helping you make decisions on all levels for your highest eternal good
  • Anne doesn't believe in making fixed future predictions, but can see the most likely potentiality lined up for you. She can work with you to determine what can be changed for your highest good
  • You do not need a hands-on practitioner to do 'healing' work for you in most cases, and the most effective transformations come from your own commands and intentions (once you know how). Anne will unlikely do any healing work for you, but empower you individually
  • Some well-meaning healers or practitioners have personal and spiritual limitations or attachments that are transferred to you, just by touching you or through their thoughts or spiritual limitations. Their own unresolved emotions or addictions can transfer (unknowingly) to you. Anne will never do this
  • Some psychics call on the dead without understanding the consequences of keeping them at this low level of frequency and keeping them from moving on. Anne prefers to communicate between our spirit teams, but can still receive messages from loved ones or to see when they are supporting you without holding them back
  • Some spirits on the other side don't have your best interest in mind. Some psychics can be mistaken that any spiritual connection is good for you - it isn't. Anne only works with the higher realms with the good of all intended
  • Some psychics make interpretations about what they see, and can put their own projections, values or mindset limitations over you. Anne is very conscious of this boundary and will never inflict limitation over you, nor put judgement or preconceived human ideas over you 
  • Any messages for you about particular healing work or modalities will be with consideration to your unique needs and in the order that you need it, rather than a one-size-fits-all modality
  • Some spiritual people won't check for multiple souls or walk-ins before working with you. Some also assume that a shared soul is bad for you when it may be useful to get through a particular challenge or bring certain skills. Anne will discuss it with you before making assumptions
  • A lot of well-meaning spiritual practitioners sell you what they do, but it may not actually be what you need not is in the order you need it 
  • Many, including both practitioners and their clients, believe that a single session of work is going to do things like clear attachments, get rid of entities or other such 'spiritual' practices. The truth is, clearing work is an ongoing necessity, even for the most advanced spiritual people. There is no point keeping on going to a practitioner to remove these problematic spiritual issues if you don't do the work to repair your auric field that is letting them in in the first place. Anne is passionate about getting to the root causes, self-empowering you to do this work for yourself and helping you expand and grow in the process on all levels of being
  • Some healers or well-meaning empaths will enjoy diving into the drama of your problems. Anne will be focused on solutions. She doesn't need to hear the details, nor is it in your best interest to talk about them with emotion, as you only create more of what you don't want
  • Some practitioners accept your booking as a form of 'consent' to begin the reading for you, but it may not be activating your full consent on all levels of being. Anne will require you to provide multidimensional consent to access the most powerful insights  for your highest good  
  • Some practitioners will tell you what you want to hear, but spirit can sometimes give you a rap on the knuckles, and Anne needs to be the one to tell you the radical truth when it is there for you
  • Having unwell clients is often in the spiritual or wellness practitioner's best interest as they then have ongoing clients and better financial outcomes. This can sometimes create an unseen conflict of interest on other levels of consciousness, holding you back from true transformation. Anne is here to empower you to be independent from the get-go and for the long term
  • Most practitioners you go to for spiritual work will do something in the session that you'd consider a process, a specific methodology or a hands-on experience. Anne is not likely to do that, and will spend the time empowering you with the solutions that could take you into the next year or even for a lifetime on your own
  • Anne can help you in every aspect of life and across multiple dimensions of your eternal soul - she's been a seasoned business professional and awarded entrepreneur before qualifying in life coaching, healing modalities and then becoming a medium
  • If you are still needing more of the religion or no religion type questions answered you may find the answers you need in the FAQs here. But seriously... if it is this hard then it doesn't feel like a fit... Just saying... 

Different - for the highest good

Session Prep


your intuitive guide and mentor @AlchemyAnne

Anne Miles is an evidence based channel medium who has strong communication with Christ Consciousness and the angelic realms, working in service to humanity for the highest good. Anne channels across dimensions of time and space including remote viewing the past, present or future in the quantum field - and always aligned with love. Yep, she knows this is super weird! 

This is not your average psychic who generally focuses on reading your energy field at a low level of consciousness or summons the dead in unhealthy ways. Instead, Anne is there to help you understand your highest purpose, the path to your spiritual ascension as an eternal soul, and how to restore your human system to its crystalline structure as intended at creation. 

Anne's the one to help you understand what needs to be done to achieve your big goals or to restore your health and wellbeing, sometimes against the odds. Anne's work has been described as forensic and has revealed many myths of the laws of the universe and consciousness itself.

Anne's passion is for the truth to be revealed for the good of all, to release stereotypes, harmful indoctrination and passive compliance to bring more unconditional love into the world. Anne is passionate about being our best self and to age well, without unnatural procedures. She is willing to ask the big questions of the cosmos, and is not for the feint of heart. If you're stuck in your own beliefs and not willing to do the work to grow, then Anne is not for you... Just saying...


Anne Miles, Multidimensional Oracle Medium
Life, Business & Spiritual Mentor
Author & Creator

Anne Miles, aka @AlchemyAnne, 'the medium in the pink cowboy hat', is a multidimensional oracle medium here to shake up our reality with the truth of our reality beyond ingrained religion, science and new age teachings.

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