Modern Prayer - Angelic Surgery

A guided meditation to connect with your spirit team and the angelic realm to help improve your wellbeing on multidimensions. 

This is a guided meditation to help you command your spirit team to do the work necessary to restore your multidimensional wellbeing to its natural state. This is the exact process that Anne used to heal herself of early stage cancer and has been guided to share with others will all kinds of physical and subconscious limitations. 


Allow 1.25 hours in a very quiet and safe place. 




$9 USD

Like all spiritual and subconscious work this is to be done at your own discretion. No promises are made. 
Write your awesome label here.

Angelic Surgery

This work is best done after you have completed the 21 Day Clearing Script and begun clearing your auric field and removed any attachments or entities. 

A further enhancement could be to perform Reiki or other energy work while this guided meditation is being done for a deeper connection.

Modern Prayer - Angelic Surgery

The Art of Alchemy - Foundation course

If you like the concepts in this eBook you will love diving into the deeper details in The Art of Alchemy self-guided program. Lifetime access to step by step move you to higher levels of consciousness to begin creating alchemy in your life.

Other Resources

A range of individual resources are available for those not yet ready for the full course, The Art of Alchemy. Check out all resources at the button below.

Created by

Anne Miles, aka @AlchemyAnne

Multidimensional oracle medium 
Anne Miles is a powerful multi-dimensional oracle medium offering spiritual, life and business mentoring. It all began when Anne saw purple flames all over her body and heard voices. Thinking she was mentally ill she sought help and took herself to hospital three times and engaged a psychiatrist; to be turned away identifying her as a medium experiencing paranormal phenomena. Since this time Anne has been diving deep into her abilities and forensically road-tested multiple healing modalities. She has even qualified in over 20 different certifications and modalities to understand how we work as humans and spiritual beings. Anne has since healed herself of cancer and found love in her life through a highly detailed and methodical diagnosis of her being on all levels of frequency and consciousness. Anne is the one that even other psychics and healers come to for their own guidance and progress. Anne is now passionate about teaching others to embrace the power of alchemy that is in all of us. Anne is available for readings and a detailed diagnostic to help others on their mental, spiritual and physical path. Anne is a published author, speaker and disruptor. 
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